
It's weird how I have completed so many things, planning on updating this blog for so long, and just never taking the time to do it. Here's my attempt at it though. Over the next few days, you will see a few more updates.

-Daniel, December 12, 2012


Sunday, August 17, 2008

BYD #49 b: See a Lunar Eclipse.

Only two weeks after the Partial Solar Eclipse comes a Partial Lunar Eclipse! Nice! This one was also much easier to see, and I enjoyed it more than the solar one. Maybe because this time you could actually see the change.

It was a partial eclipse, and at the height of the eclipse 81% of the moon was covered by the earth's shadow. I tried to take pictures of it with the camera on my cell phone, but the pictures didn't turn out good at all. So I made my friend Ivar in Gothenburg go outside and take pictures of the moon with his camera (which is slightly better than the one on my phone).

I would still like to see both a total lunar and a total solar eclipse though. Maybe I shouldn't really be counting these two as completed, until I've seen total eclipses. Ah well, if I ever do, I'll promise to blog about it. :)


dgrzech said...

I think you'll have to travel far to see these total eclipses. But it would be so cool! I want to travel like this once as well :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, SO beautiful!!

Unknown said...

@Danny: Yeah, next total solar eclipse in Sweden is in like... year 2100 or something :P So I'd have to go to Asia or America to see one. Total lunar eclipses happen quite often though!

@Kat: I know! :D Did you see it live?

Anonymous said...

Haha, see you 2morrow Dan ^^

Anonymous said...

What's next, Daniel??

jmeadows said...

Hey, I've seen a total lunar eclipse, but I'll have to wait a long while or travel to see a total solar eclipse.