This is one of the coolest things ever. Yesterday, I received an email telling me I'm the winner of a competition where the prize was a guitar signed by Jason Mraz.
As some of you know, I'm a HUGE fan of Jason Mraz, so this is really the most awesome thing I could have won!
What happened was I found out that had a competition with a guitar signed by Mraz as the prize. Of course I had to participate, considering I'm a huge fan. I had to write why I deserved to win, so I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote. Far longer than I usually write when entering competitions like these, but I had to. It was almost like a short essay.
I told them how I had used back in 2004, and that they had suggested that I listen to Jason Mraz. I did, and I loved his songs. You can read about all that in one of my older posts. Long story short - few years later, Mraz became uberpopular in Sweden, which means he actually performs in Sweden every now and then! Awesome! I'm going to a concert with him in Stockholm in September. It also means him being involved in competitions, like the one where you had a chance to meet him (which I didn't win) and this competition, which I'm so happy I won.

Congrats again Dan!! It's really super cool! :D
Congrats on your win! I love that this book gives you an excuse for things like winning and being on shows.
I'm a fellow 101 Things To Doer. I'm glad I found your site, so I can follow your progress. Do you mind if I put your link on my blog?
Nice One Dan
You'll have to learn to play it now. (O&B TTD No.8). I'm really pleased the book helped you win it.
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click here for something to do:
Tjenare Danneballe! Fan vad kul att du vann, tror du jag är lite avis då.. :) Crasha den inte om du skulle komma till en punkt i boken där det står, "krascha ett instrument som en riktigt rocker".
hoppas du har det bra! Vi kanske ses i Umeå igen någondag!
Kram/ EngelskaFrida i Umä.
You suck!
No, no.. really cool. So, you're playing guitar then? :p
Awesome axe!
I hadn't seen this post but since Richard Horne showcased it on his blog today, I have to say (belated) congrats! Awesome! Have you learned to play it yet?
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